Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It is a Beautiful world

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember the peace that can exist in silence. 

Without surrender, as far as possible on good terms with all persons. Tell your truth quietly and clearly. Listen to others, even the simple-minded and ignorant, they too have their story. 
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are 
vexations to the spirit. 
If you compare yourself with others, there are always bigger and smaller than you. Enjoy your achievements as well as your accomplishments. Do not be blind with regard virtue there. 
Be yourself. 
Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love not because it is in front of any disenchantment, as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years and gracefully surrendering your youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. 
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. 
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have the right to be here. And if it is clear to you or not, the universe is unfolding as it probably should. Whatever your work and your dreams are, keep in the noisy distress of life, peace in your yard. With all its sham and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. 
Try to be happy.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Stability Ball Hamstring Curls


Start:  Lie floor with your hands by your side.  
Place the stability ball under your heels with your legs fully extended.  Your butt should be touching the floor.
Begin the motion:  Draw in your core.  Pull the ball towards your body with your heels and raise your hips up towards the ceiling in one continuous motion.
The top of the motion your hips should be as high as possible while you maintain a neutral spine (no arch).
n one continuous motion, lower yourself back to the original position.  You also have the option to plantar flex (push your toes in ball for calf raise) your toes into the ball.
Modifications:  Change hand positions and / or use 1 foot at a time to increase the difficulty of the stability ball hamstring curl.  This increases difficulty for these stability ball exercises because more stabilization or strength is needed.

Elevated Split Squats

Elevated split squats or stationary lunges are versatile exercise which you can use as one of the best hamstring exercises.
Start:  Put your front foot up on an elevated surface.  Position your knee so the middle of the knee joint is right on top of your ankle.  Hold a pair of dumbbells in the low or high hang position.
Scoot your back foot back until your can create around a 90 degree angle with your back leg to match your front leg.  The balls of your back foot should be on the floor.  Draw in your core and keep your shoulders retracted.
Begin the motion:  Slowly lower your torso straight down towards the floor.  Your upper body should remain upright with a neutral back.
Since you are trying to make these the best hamstring exercises, your front knee can slide forward slightly.  When your back knee approaches the floor pause for a second and lunge back up to the top position.  Try to squeeze your hamstrings.
Modifications:  A controlled unstable surface for your front foot will make these best hamstrings exercises more difficult.  A BOSU ball would be a good choice.  These are also an excellent exercise to use in combination with upper body exercises such as shoulder presses or biceps curls.

Best Hamstring Exercises

Here are Some of the Best Hamstring Exercises which use Multiple Joints

Romanian Dead Lifts

The RDL or Romanian Dead Lift is one of the best hamstring exercises even though the hamstrings are not contracting.
For the many people with tight hamstrings, the RDL is the best exercise to help correct that muscle imbalance which could lead to posture problems.  Form is crucial so make sure you get it right.
Start:  You can either have a loaded barbell or dumbbells on the floor or in a low hang position.  Keep your legs in a slightly bent position for the duration of the movement.
It is essential to have your shoulders stabilized in a retracted (together in back) position for the duration of the movement as well.
Begin the motion:  It is essential to have a super tight drawn in core as you begin this motion.  Stick your butt backwards lowering the bar or dumbbells as close too your body as possible.

Only lower the bar to where you can keep the strict form.  Raise the weight back up, at the top of the motion it is very important you retract your shoulder blades (squeeze them together) and contract your glutes.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The benefits of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalinin Yoga

I can't describe the energy I have today!!
Try it it's worth every breath, it's your life, your happiness, you health, your energy!
It is the revelation of the true YOU :)

The system of exercises and meditations of Kundalini Yoga claims to provide extensive benefits for personal spiritual growth as well as improving mental and physical well-being. Believers claim that the physiological benefits cover a wide spectrum of ailments, including healing treatments for memory problems, asthma, diabetes, pain, stress-related diseases, rehabilitating addictive behavior, and treating mental disorders.
According to some traditions Kundalini techniques are only communicated from master to disciple once the disciple is deemed ready In these cases, yogic masters believe that in ascetic settings ignorance or refusal to follow instructions of a master can lead to harmful effects, However, in a few instances teachers from India encouraged students to update and spread the teachings to the West, thereby putting doubt to this claim.
Sovatsky, a scholar of Yoga associated with transpersonal psychology, adapts a developmental and evolutionary perspective in his interpretation of Kundalini Yoga. That is, he interprets Kundalini Yoga as a catalyst for psycho-spiritual growth and bodily maturation. According to this interpretation of yoga,the body bows itself into greater maturation [...], none of which should be considered mere stretching exercises.

    Medical research

  • Venkatesh et al. studied twelve kundalini (chakra) meditators, using the Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory. They found that the practice of meditation "appears to produce structural as well as intensity changes in phenomenological experiences of consciousness".
  • Preliminary research on the effects of a Kundalini Yoga meditation taught by Yogi Bhajan known as Kirtan Kriya on retrieving memory and cognitive functions have been encouraging. Limitations of this research can be addressed in future studies with more
    • Manocha et al. used temperature readings to verify that coolness experienced on the palms of the hands resulted from the Sahaja Yoga technique  
      • of kundalini meditation.
     detailed analyses. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why do men fall in love with ugly women?

You may be familiar with this situation:very attractive man finds himself with a woman who has obviously no quality. Considered selfish and not really appreciated especially by other women.
In addition, this "witch" is not even really pretty.Oddly, this kind of woman is often successful in winning the man of their dreams. It even happens that men leave women and children for this kind of woman.Nobody seems to understand what happens in the mind of men.Why do men chase women who clearly are NOT nice, helpful and considerate?
Dear female friends,
In recent years, I wondered why we men fall in love with women who obviously care more for themselves than others,
when we forsake women often "nice" because we find them too "boring."It is often said the nice girls go to heaven and the wicked go where they want.But what does that really mean?The bad guys have different qualities that have extremely attractive to men. It's not that we find appealing the negative side, namely their self-centeredness or selfishness, but these women have a quality that is losing sight of the downside.The attraction that causes this kind of woman is not a decision taken by a man. The feelings just appear in men without voluntary action on their part. We find a similar phenomenon in women attracted to men "inaccessible".When you're attracted to someone, it is unclear why very often ...The qualities present in these women "bad" that make a man feel attracted so magnetic that it almost like it or not are: Their unpredictability, their uncontrollability, the challenge, the game with their own ego.The man in question does not really know what the woman thinks of him, what she feels for him.Strange as it may seem, is precisely what men find attractive, especially in the discovery phase.The problem is that the story is quite contrary to the character of most women think only of themselves. I do not want to suggest you transform yourself into a praying mantis and you do not behave as selfish and arrogant manner toward men or use them to achieve your goals.However, during my research, I constantly asked the same question:is there not a way to be nice and helpful woman who wants to support her husband and still have all her love and attention?(You'll note the irony underlying ...) This means there ...But you notice that a dilemma that lies behind this phenomenon. This is crucial, it is that what makes "bad" attractive women perform this magical attraction on men and that makes them leave a nice, loving woman, especially that these women know what they want!
They do not ask if they are the most beautiful, if a man cease to love them because they have not done this or that. They just take what they want. That's it!!
In fact, this kind of woman is not very popular. But they often recover very nice type with all women covet the attention ...Incredible, isn't it?The secret mechanism behind this case is very simple:Type "I-know-what-I-want" has a huge potential for attraction to men.Men love when they can not control a woman.Men love a woman does make her own way.

Embed this behavior to your personality and you will be amazed at how people (yours too) react!JUST DO WHAT YOU WANT!Stop and ask if you do not mind someone else.Best of all this is that you'll be doubly pleased. This will make your man love you (automatically) and you can do whatever you want from now!By having this, you wake up feeling primarily in men: curiosity. They want to know exactly who you are ... LOVE IS MADE TO THREE QUARTERS OF CURIOSITY - (Giacomo Girolamo Casanova)

                                                   Sincerely, Christian Saint-Andre

Book of the day!

Read it!!!! it's amazing!!!
Religious Science, also known as Science of Mind, was founded in 1927 by Ernest Holmes (1887–1960) and is a spiritualphilosophical and metaphysical religious movement within the New Thought movement. In general, the term "Science of Mind" applies to the teachings, while the term "Religious Science" applies to the organizations. However, adherents often use the terms interchangeably. Ernest Holmes stated "Religious Science is a correlation of laws of science, opinions of philosophy, and revelations of religion applied to human needs and the aspirations of man." He also stated that Religious Science/Science of Mind (RS/SOM) is not based on any "authority" of established beliefs, but rather on "what it can accomplish" for the people who practice it.

Core concepts

According to The Science of Mind, the ten core concepts of RS/SOM (as taught in the "Foundations of Science of Mind" class) are:[22]
  1. There is One Cosmic Reality Principle and Presence in the Universe — commonly called "God". All creation originates in this One Source.EXPLANATION: God is not one thing, but rather is an Energy Source or Infinite Intelligence present in everything in the Cosmos (i.e. everything seen and unseen in this and all other parallel dimensions of the Universe).
  2. God is threefold (triune) in nature, having three aspects or modes of being within the One: Spirit, Soul and Body. This is God seen as the Universal Macrocosm. EXPLANATION: The term "Universal Macrocosm" is another term for all dimensions of the Universe.
  3. Spirit is the great Causative Power of the Universe. The Word, or thought, of God eternally initiates the Divine Creative Process. In this process, Law is continuously set in motion to create, from the Unformed Substance, innumerable forms which follow the thought-patterns of Spirit. EXPLANATION: God consciously initiates creation with thought and thereby forms all things from unformed substance by using Its "Soul" (i.e. the impersonal Law of Cause and Effect — that is "What you sow is what you reap." See further explanation in the second paragraph of this "Teachings and Practices" Section. Since God is in everything (see #1), humans include God; and humans can use that God-energy to create, on the human level.
  4. In the Infinite Nature of God, all conceivable Good is eternally available, ready to flow into human experience. Through some cosmic Process, this flow of Good is activated and/or increased by human belief, faith, and acceptance. The expression of this essential belief, faith, and acceptance is prayer.EXPLANATION: "Prayer" is "Spiritual Mind Treatment" (see third paragraph of this section, above). This is the main Religious Science technique to tap into God (defined in #1 as "present in everything" — i.e. Its "Infinite Nature") to create all the good we desire on the human level, analogous to God creating on the Universe level (see #3). This requires faith in the knowledge that the technique is working right now.
  5. This is a Universe of Wholeness, Allness, Oneness. Spirit is a transcendent, perfect Wholeness that, in Its infinite inclusivity, harmoniously embraces all seeming opposites. EXPLANATION: Since God is present throughout the Universe these are some of the attributes of God.
  6. This is a Universe of infinite abundance, spiritual, mental, and physical. This Bounty of Spirit, this Allness of Good, is limitless and can never be depleted. EXPLANATION: These are some more of the attributes of God.
  7. This is a reciprocal Universe. For every visible form, there is an invisible counterpart. Everything in nature tends to equalize itself, to keep its balance true. EXPLANATION: This is the Law of Cause and Effect (See further explanation in the second paragraph of this "Teachings and Practices" Section).
  8. The Universe exists in the Eternal Now, each moment complete and perfect within itself. In this Universal Harmony, justice without judgment is always automatic, an infallible Universal Principle. There can be no place for Divine anger, unforgiveness, or punishment. EXPLANATION: God's and human's thoughts, actions, and manifestations can only occur in the present. The Law of Cause and Effect is always working. We make our "Heaven and Hell" experiences every moment in the present, with the choices we make. To the extent that mankind achieves the Divine attributes, it evolves into God's attributes.
  9. Immortality is a Universal Principle, not a "belief' or a bargain made with the Universe for good behavior. God knows only Life, its eternal continuity, evolution, and expansion. EXPLANATION: Religious Scientists know (rather than believe) that life evolves in this as well as all other dimensions, even after our souls make their transition into those dimensions. In this case, the term "Universal" means "no exceptions."
  10. The mystic concept of the Cosmic Christ is not that of a person, but of a Principle, a Universal Presence ... the Universal Image of God present in all creation ... the "pattern that connects." EXPLANATION: The term "Cosmic Christ" here is a metaphor for that God-like consciousness that was and is present in all the Prophets and other enlightened people who have and are using this Principle to assist in the positive evolution of mankind, society, and/or their own personal lives. "Christ" was not Jesus' last name, but rather a title for an enlightened person, or "anointed one" that was created and given to him before the 12th century A.D.[23] Early Hebrew kings were given the title "Christ."

Chocolate Hena - Cherish the gift of life: Book of the day!

Chocolate Hena - Cherish the gift of life: Book of the day!: "Read it!!!! it's amazing!!! Religious Science, also known as Science of Mind, was founded in 1927 by Ernest Holmes (1887–1960..."