You may be familiar with this situation:A very attractive man finds himself with a woman who has obviously no quality. Considered selfish and not really appreciated especially by other women.
In addition, this "witch" is not even really pretty.Oddly, this kind of woman is often successful in winning the man of their dreams. It even happens that men leave women and children for this kind of woman.Nobody seems to understand what happens in the mind of men.Why do men chase women who clearly are NOT nice, helpful and considerate?
Dear female friends,
In recent years, I wondered why we men fall in love with women who obviously care more for themselves than others,
when we forsake women often "nice" because we find them too "boring."It is often said the nice girls go to heaven and the wicked go where they want.But what does that really mean?The bad guys have different qualities that have extremely attractive to men. It's not that we find appealing the negative side, namely their self-centeredness or selfishness, but these women have a quality that is losing sight of the downside.The attraction that causes this kind of woman is not a decision taken by a man. The feelings just appear in men without voluntary action on their part. We find a similar phenomenon in women attracted to men "inaccessible".When you're attracted to someone, it is unclear why very often ...The qualities present in these women "bad" that make a man feel attracted so magnetic that it almost like it or not are: Their unpredictability, their uncontrollability, the challenge, the game with their own ego.The man in question does not really know what the woman thinks of him, what she feels for him.Strange as it may seem, is precisely what men find attractive, especially in the discovery phase.The problem is that the story is quite contrary to the character of most women think only of themselves. I do not want to suggest you transform yourself into a praying mantis and you do not behave as selfish and arrogant manner toward men or use them to achieve your goals.However, during my research, I constantly asked the same question:is there not a way to be nice and helpful woman who wants to support her husband and still have all her love and attention?(You'll note the irony underlying ...) This means there ...But you notice that a dilemma that lies behind this phenomenon. This is crucial, it is that what makes "bad" attractive women perform this magical attraction on men and that makes them leave a nice, loving woman, especially that these women know what they want!
They do not ask if they are the most beautiful, if a man cease to love them because they have not done this or that. They just take what they want. That's it!!
In fact, this kind of woman is not very popular. But they often recover very nice type with all women covet the attention ...Incredible, isn't it?The secret mechanism behind this case is very simple:Type "I-know-what-I-want" has a huge potential for attraction to men.Men love when they can not control a woman.Men love a woman does make her own way.
Embed this behavior to your personality and you will be amazed at how people (yours too) react!JUST DO WHAT YOU WANT!Stop and ask if you do not mind someone else.Best of all this is that you'll be doubly pleased. This will make your man love you (automatically) and you can do whatever you want from now!By having this, you wake up feeling primarily in men: curiosity. They want to know exactly who you are ... LOVE IS MADE TO THREE QUARTERS OF CURIOSITY - (Giacomo Girolamo Casanova)
In addition, this "witch" is not even really pretty.Oddly, this kind of woman is often successful in winning the man of their dreams. It even happens that men leave women and children for this kind of woman.Nobody seems to understand what happens in the mind of men.Why do men chase women who clearly are NOT nice, helpful and considerate?
Dear female friends,
In recent years, I wondered why we men fall in love with women who obviously care more for themselves than others,
when we forsake women often "nice" because we find them too "boring."It is often said the nice girls go to heaven and the wicked go where they want.But what does that really mean?The bad guys have different qualities that have extremely attractive to men. It's not that we find appealing the negative side, namely their self-centeredness or selfishness, but these women have a quality that is losing sight of the downside.The attraction that causes this kind of woman is not a decision taken by a man. The feelings just appear in men without voluntary action on their part. We find a similar phenomenon in women attracted to men "inaccessible".When you're attracted to someone, it is unclear why very often ...The qualities present in these women "bad" that make a man feel attracted so magnetic that it almost like it or not are: Their unpredictability, their uncontrollability, the challenge, the game with their own ego.The man in question does not really know what the woman thinks of him, what she feels for him.Strange as it may seem, is precisely what men find attractive, especially in the discovery phase.The problem is that the story is quite contrary to the character of most women think only of themselves. I do not want to suggest you transform yourself into a praying mantis and you do not behave as selfish and arrogant manner toward men or use them to achieve your goals.However, during my research, I constantly asked the same question:is there not a way to be nice and helpful woman who wants to support her husband and still have all her love and attention?(You'll note the irony underlying ...) This means there ...But you notice that a dilemma that lies behind this phenomenon. This is crucial, it is that what makes "bad" attractive women perform this magical attraction on men and that makes them leave a nice, loving woman, especially that these women know what they want!
They do not ask if they are the most beautiful, if a man cease to love them because they have not done this or that. They just take what they want. That's it!!
In fact, this kind of woman is not very popular. But they often recover very nice type with all women covet the attention ...Incredible, isn't it?The secret mechanism behind this case is very simple:Type "I-know-what-I-want" has a huge potential for attraction to men.Men love when they can not control a woman.Men love a woman does make her own way.
Embed this behavior to your personality and you will be amazed at how people (yours too) react!JUST DO WHAT YOU WANT!Stop and ask if you do not mind someone else.Best of all this is that you'll be doubly pleased. This will make your man love you (automatically) and you can do whatever you want from now!By having this, you wake up feeling primarily in men: curiosity. They want to know exactly who you are ... LOVE IS MADE TO THREE QUARTERS OF CURIOSITY - (Giacomo Girolamo Casanova)
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